


Regular price HK$1,880.00 Sale price HK$1,580.00 Save HK$300
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  • Product Type: Flower Basket 花籃
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日本SAKE-肥前藏心 純米吟釀(720ml)

正價: $1880
-早鳥優惠 9月6日前訂購$1580 (最終價錢會在付款頁面顯示)
-企業品牌大量訂購可獲批量折扣,歡迎WhatsApp 64186962 向我們查詢

- 每日向花泥注入清水至花泥表面濕潤狀態,以保持鮮花水份
- 擺放於通風位置及避免太陽直曬
- 如保養得宜,花品新鮮狀態可維持大約五至七天


1. 葵涌工作室自取 Pick Up

Date & Time:
12/9 (Thurs)- 16/9 (Sun), (11am - 1pm, 2pm-6pm)

2301, The Galaxy, 313 Castle Peak Road, Kwai Chung

2. 安排司機送貨 Delivery

Date & Time:
12/9 (Thurs)- 16/9 (Sun), (10am - 6pm)

Our delivery and pick services only available on certain dates and you can choose a preferred period to receive your orders. The delivery fees are as follow:

一般地區 (香港/九龍/新界; 不包括離島及所列之偏遠地區) General Delivery Areas (HK Island, Kowloon, New Territories, except Outlying Islands and listed remote area): $100

偏遠地區和村屋地址 (山頂, 半山, 港島南區, 西貢, 大欖, 小欖, 掃管笏, 大欖涌, 錦田, 機場, 東涌, 迪士尼樂園, 馬灣, 古洞, 石崗, 新田和村屋地址, 以上地址或需到村口或樓下交收 (如所住地址沒有電梯,下單前請通知我們) Remote Delivery Areas and Village Houses (May need to pick up at main road or Downstairs): $200

愉景灣 (需到村口或樓下交收) Discovery Bay (Need to pick up at main road or Downstairs): $300

羅湖,米埔,文錦渡,打鼓嶺,離島,其他禁區,因運輸限制未能提供送貨服務 Due to transportation restriction, we do not offer deliveries to Lo Wu, Mai Po, Man Kam To, Outlying Islands and Other Frontier Closed Areas

1. 送花期間如未能找到收花者、收花人拒收產品或簽收或所提供之送貨資料有錯誤:

1.1. 如送屋苑住宅,花店同事將轉交該所屋苑住宅管理處轉交收花者或放於指定地址門外;

1.2 如送公司/寫字樓/商店/其他機構,送花同事將交接待處或其他同事轉交收花者; 

1.3 如因地址填寫錯誤,產品將退回本公司。


2. 送花服務為10a.m.-3p.m.或3p.m.-6p.m., 我們並不提供特定送花時間,但你可以告訴我們理想的送遞時間,我們會盡力配合。

If we are unable to contact the recipients, the recipients refuse to sign for receipt or the delivery information is incorrect,

1.1 If it is a residential address,  we will pass the flower to the management office for relaying or leave the flower outside the address

1.2 If it is a commercial or office address, we will pass the flower to the reception of other colleagues for relaying

1.3 If the delivery address is incorrect, the flower will be returned to our studio.

The flower will be returned to our studio if delivery is not possible after using the above mentioned alternatives. Customers need to contact us bare any additional incurred transport cost before 23:59 on the day and choose to arrange another delivery or pick up the flower at our studio . 

Otherwise we will not make any additional arrangements for your order or refund. The new delivery or pick up date can only be the day after the original delivery date.

Due to unforeseeable transport situation, delivery services will only be available between 10a.m.-3p.m. or 3p.m.-6p.m.. We do NOT offer specific delivery time but we will do our best to fit your need if you tell us your desirable delivery time.You will receive a sms or email notification after the flower is successfully delivered.

1. 每件商品均為手製,再加上每枝植物均為全天然,沒有完全一樣的植物和形態,偶有小瑕疵(如花瓣不完美)皆為正常。顏色,色調和形態會略有不同,展示圖片只供參考性質,讓你購買前了解本店風格及花品大致顏色,一切以實物為準。
Colour tone and pattern shown maybe slightly different from the actual products due to every products are hand-made and natural. 

2. 水果請盡快食用,食用前請徹底進行食品清潔。為了安全起見,請務必將花籃放在寵物及小孩無法輕易接觸的地方,避免小孩和寵物誤食及接觸,以確保健康和安全。進食及飲用前請務必了解食用者的健康及是否對該食品敏感,我司不會為任何誤食及接觸而導致的問題而負責。
Please consume the fruits as soon as possible and ensure thorough food cleaning before eating. For safety reasons, be sure to place the basket out of reach of pets and children to prevent accidental ingestion or contact, ensuring health and safety. Before eating or drinking, it is essential to understand the health status of the consumer and whether they have any sensitivities to the food. Our company will not be responsible for any issues arising from accidental ingestion or contact.

3. 新鮮花材及水果供應受市場供應影響,如遇其中一種花材或水果缺貨,會以另一相同等級或價值更高的材料取代而不作另行通知。
Fresh floral materials and fruits are subject to market supply fluctuations. If any specific flower or fruit is out of stock, it will be replaced with another of equal or higher value without further notice.

4. 我們一向致力確保我們的產品在出貨前處於最佳狀態,但由於新鮮花材及水果生長會受到不同因素 (如氣溫,水質,陽光,養護方法等)而影響,因此所有新鮮產品,除因運送途中而出現破損之外,其他問題均不予進行退款或退貨。如有任何問題,請聯絡我們或可參閱我們的退款政策

We always endeavour to deliver your order at its best conditions, but as fresh flower or fruit could be affected by various factors (e.g temperature, water quality or sunlight etc.), all perishable products cannot be refunded or returned unless there are damages during delivery.. For more information, please feel free to contact us or visit our our Return & Refund Policy

Whatsapp: +85264186962 / Email:info@mycfloralab.com

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